Module Production


We have opened the doors of our factory in Austria and we would like to show you

how we produce these amazing custom-designed Imperial Modules and showcase

the uniqueness of Austriawood & Co’shandcrafted production!

Stage 1 – Cutting the material

We cut the material using high-precision machines. This means that every piece is cut to exact geometric dimensions and makes it easier to fit them together.

Stage 2 – Assembling

The pieces are assembled and glued together.

We only use certified materials 

that are safe for humans.

Stage 3 – Coloring

We only use natural oil to colour our flooring.

This task has been delegated to a trusted

partner of ours for over 20 years, guaranting quality consistency.


Our artisans develop the colour recipe, mix different oils to achieve the customer’s sample colour and carefully coat the modules.

Stage 4 – Enjoy the shiny result!

The modules are waiting to be installed

in their new home!

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