Authentic hunter’s house

Flooring: Oak, Edeldielen Planks, Sandrose Vintage

The restoration of historical buildings is always an exciting challenge! It's essential to preserve not only important elements but also the atmosphere of the area. If preservation isn't possible, recreation is an option! Take a look at this new aged floor from Austriawood & Co!

The main point is the original stove adorned with dark green tiles and wrought iron doors.

Such beauty deserves the right match!

The combination of Vintage and Hand Made Bevel surfaces complements it perfectly. Longitudinal scratches and cracks from Vintage, along with a hand-crafted uneven bevel, are exactly what is needed for recreating a historical interior. Oak in the As grown grading and Sandrose color.

Jager Farmhouse 2-2
Jager Farmhouse 3

Two eras has met here: a cooking place on the stove and modern built-in kitchen appliances.

The flooring with three widths boards, pays homage to the classic style.

A hunter’s home wouldn’t be complete without his trophies!

Project - Modern Farmhouse

Modern Farmhouse in Austria with oak XXL planks!

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